
The Concept


Draw - Use Notations - Communicate

There is a Venn Diagramm for everything!

Practice to draw models using the notations of your choice. Get used to draw visualisations of important concepts in your domain in an effective and quick way.


Learn important Modeling Notations like UML or BPMN. Get firm in a subset of these notations. Practice to draw models in these notations Ad Hoc on whiteboards and flipcharts.


Communicate these ideas using the visualizations as a communication anchor. Moderate meetings and enble others to communicate and share concepts with models.


What do I need?

  • Drawing Skills
  • Notation Knowledge
  • Communication skills

"Drawing is not what one sees
but what one can make others see.

- Edgar Degas -



This is a list of some of the notations that are effective when drawing ad hoc. They are widely known, expressive and not too complicted.

"Drawing is putting a line around an idea.

- Henri Matisse -




Lets talk visualization!

If you have questions or suggestions please contact. I love to get your feedback!
Contact Info

Martin Klewitz